Tuesday, October 27, 2015

EOCweek3: Millennial's

                  The generation Y also known as Millennial’s has had many things said about it. Such as, Millennial statistics:
·       50 percent of Millennial’s consider themselves politically unaffiliated.
·       29 percent consider themselves religiously unaffiliated.
·       They have the highest average number of Facebook friends, with an average of 250 friends vs. Generations X's 200.
·       55 percent have posted a selfie or more to social media sites versus 20 percent of Generation X.
·       8 percent of Millennial’s claim to have sexted, whereas 30 percent claim to have received sexts.
·       They send a median of 50 texts a day.
·       As of 2012, only 19 percent of Millennial’s said that, generally, others can be trusted.
·       There are about 76 million Millennial’s in the United States (based on research using the years 1978-2000).
·       Millennial’s are the last generation born in the 20th century.
·       Twenty percent have at least one immigrant parent.

Me being part of the Generation Y I can tell you is this a correct assumption I can vouch and say that I personally politically affiliated and like to view and see many political stands and issues since I live in this country I would love to know what is happening around me. I can also say that I believe in a god but am not religiously affiliated. I do agree with the fact that we do have the highest amount of Facebook friends even though 60%-90% of those friends we do not know in person. I have personally posted a selfie but only as profile photos. I have personally not sexted or have been sexted. I do send a medium of 50 texts a day. I do believe in trust and I do have trust in some people but I have a motto break my trust and I will no longer believe anything you say. I do find it interesting and also believe that we have a huge number of Millennial’s. I do believe we are the last generation born in the 20th century and I’m proud of it. I do believe in that fact that 20% of us have at least one immigrant parent but I have 2 who are now permanent residents and have worked hard their whole life to support their children with only a 3 grade education and no English they were able to put their kids through school and college all while working 10 hour shifts in the hot sun and cold mornings picking grapes, oranges, watermelons, and other labor intensive jobs. So I’m vary proud to be a millennial not only that, but I’m proud to be a First Generation Mexican American millennial.

Monday, October 26, 2015

EOCweek3: marketing money for good

A company or organization that helps non-profit places or 3rd world countries is Savers. The store focus on donations and selling cloths, toys or more that are donated to it to make a profit so they can then give the profits to safe nest, big brothers big sister, the arc, bba breast cancer, child crisis center and more. The help they get from savers is profits from their sale so they can continue to fund their programs. The way this works is by selling the donations made to savers, savers has a cycle period every something gets put out on the floor and is tagged a certain color at the end of the week (Saturday) then everything that was put out on Monday will be put in the back room. This happens so that everything can be compacted and stored so it may be sent off to a 3rd world country to help out their whether it be with their market system or with donating cloths. When this happens they send it off to any 3rd world country just last year they sent it to Africa.
“Deeds of giving are the very foundations of the world.”
Jewish saying derived from the Mishna, Pirkei Avot 1:2
A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.
                “For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.
We leave you a tradition with a future.
The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete.
People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed.
Never throw out anybody.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
Your “good old days” are still ahead of you, may you have many of them.” 
Sam Levenson, In One Era & Out the Other

Friday, October 23, 2015

EOC week 2: video games

                “The obvious objective of video games is to entertain people by surprising them with new experiences.” -Shigeru Miyamoto
                The gaming industry has many different games that are profitable, such games are FPS games (first person shooter) these games fall in the BCG as cash cows. This means that they are more profitable even though their stories are not changed much, such games as Call of Duty or Halo have similar story lines throughout their life cycle but are bought quickly whenever a new game comes out. There are also some games that are non-profitable which fall in the dog category such games are eragon or E.T games that are made from movies are considered Dogs since they are not that profitable in the market and tend to usually fail.

                  There are games out there that have no probability but are extremely popular these are mobile games like candy crush or angry birds these games fall into the star section of the BCG which means they don’t make much profit but are extremely popular. These games are downloaded many times and are played so much that they become addicting to the user. There are also games out there that fall into the question mark category of the BCG these games are PT and kingdom hearts 3 these games are still in the question mark zone because they are unsure of the impact it will have weather it will make it in the gaming industry or not it’s always a risk with games and these fall into this category since they were a big thing when they were announced but have fallen in the process.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/video_games.html#Z6tMwee2tbILAUVd.99

Friday, October 9, 2015

week 1 EOC: My Voice

Photography has always been an escape for me. To be behind the camera photographing something that might look plain to the human eye may be amazing and majestic to others as art or even fine art. Ever since I was able to take a photo I was amazed at the things that the camera can capture instead of the things that the human eye can capture. Most of the times I just go out to a random place an walk around for hours on end just to shoot a photo that I think will cultivate the human eye into looking at it and saying “WOW” just to see the face of the people who will see my art work or who have seen my art work is just amazing. I wont ever forget my first real photo I took it was with a cannon and I didn’t know how to adjust anything on the camera so I just shot the photo and when I got to look at the finial product I was amazed at hat I took since it as just of the sky and it came out pink with blue and some white from the clouds and the green from the park hills and trees made me happy seeing so much beauty in it and after that I was stuck. Everyday I went out with my phone or a disposable camera and decided to shoot. Now till this day I still do the same and go out and take photos of urban or nature even of people weather it be poor, rich, rain, heat, or snow. As long as I have a camera with me I wont stop going out and taking the photos I want eventually I will be able to share my work with people from around  the world so they can see the beauty of the world and not just the bad.